Hey y'all, it's the Love Hound Sam here. Mom went today and she brought home new sofa beds for Dot-Spot and I!! They go right by her big bed so we can lie close at night plus she says it shuts up my whining. How rude. Here they are...Tucker already stole one.

Then the coolest thing ever happened - she pulled these out!

It's PIZZLE!! We've only heard about it on other lucky dog blogs and especially my Pizzle Pro Wally's blog and now we have our own!!! It even says it on the package!

Uhhhhh....Aunt Jan and Nana are kind of sheltered so if you need to know what they are then email Mom.
Gotta go...so much Pizzle, so little time. -Samantha
Hi Sam,
Cool beds! Ohhhh and those pics must have caused Wally's heart to race madly!
** Pssst... my mom thinks you have cute paws! **
Hi, Sam
You two got very nice beds! They look comfy!
Enjoy your new treats! Yummy!
Have a good night
Yup...I'll bet Wally is lovin' those pictures. two of his favorite things...sam and pizzles...in the same picture. My muzzer agrees with Husky's mom...you've got bery cute paws.
Nice beds and good work with the bully sticks - they are the BEST treats EVER!
Hi Sam,
Isn't Costco just the best? I love when Mom and Dad come home from there with stuff for me! Your new beds rock! I'm just mad my parents didn't get one for me! Oh and what a score with the Bully's! They are the absolute best, I know you will LOVE them! Enjoy!! Have a happy and safe New Year!
Your pal,
Hey Sam...
Those beds look pawsome! I need to get Mom over to Costco quick!!! Aren't bully stix the bestest????
I'm sure Wally is swooning looking at you!!!
Happy New Year!!!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Hee you look like you're having a cigar there Samantha. :)
Hope all of you have a great new year
~ Girl girl
We got new beds too! Isn't it fun when the humans finally decide to put us first make us the pampered pups we should be? Those treat lok really yummy!
Woo woo, Kelsey ANn
woofies Brats...ahhhh Sam, u look sooo good wiff ur bully, me bets wally iz verwy impressed...and dose beds r pawsome...
b safe,
Sam, those look delicious!! My parents just joined Costco yesterday since they haven't seen a Sams out here and they didn't bring us any of those. We will have to send them back!
Your new beds are just beautiful! What a wonderful new year's eve gift! The bullies are pretty tasty too! Enjoy them! Happy new year, guys!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Wow you guys really scored!
Those beds look so comfy - I can't have one cause I tear it up within a day!
And the pizzies?? YUMMM!
Happy new year,
What the heck is a pizzie?
Our mommy has bought us nice beds and sometimes we use them, but our favorite bed is HERS!
Purrs & kisses,
Maggie, Sammy, Leo
Scully & Cocoa
(of the Frisky Feline clan)
I got mom to help me out here in one of her fits of consciousness. Beds and pizzles all from Costco. Great. Mom says she is going back to bed sick and now depressed there is no costco close to us.
What a better way to ring in the new year than with a big fat pizzle! Your bed is pawesome Sam.
Those look yummy! You guys had an after Christmas bonus!!!
Happy New Year!
Oh, dear, we googled it. Now we know what they are. We've been kind of sheltered too. What a shock! Cotton is such a lady. She turned red.
Your new beds look so comfortable. Much bigger and plumper than the ones Jan bought us this fall. Guess she forgot she only has one small dog.
Happy New Year!
jan's funny farm
That bed sure looks comfy!
And your bully sticks look totally deeeelicious!!
WOW, next time you go to Costcos I'm coming, hee hee
Happy New Year to you & your family
Frenchie Snorts
Dear Sam,
My heart might be going double-time! But that's a good thing, baby! And, um, I got a new bed so if your brothers are hogging yours you're welcome to share mine. *blush* Oh, there's something about a girl with pizzle that makes my heart go pitter-patter.
Wow those look really good!! Both Louie and I are drooling...
Happy New Year to you!
Big Sloppy Kisses,
Gus and Louie
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