I just don't know...macho dogs out there, would YOU be caught wearing Paisley? Maybe there's some new trend I don't know about, we're kind of sheltered here. Like that day we made fun of Mom's sweater and she told us Argyle was back in.
Could it be that we're really on the cutting edge of fashion....or just a K9 version of What Not To Wear?
PS The girls are getting new collars too, but she just hasn't picked them yet. They'll probably get something cool.
I agree with you paisley is not mocho at all. Louie and I like the just plain ones!! Of course Mom put a Christmas one on Louie that she got from a friend but it hasn't lasted long. Mom says she needs to get him a new green one since his rabbi's tag is green and then they will match. Sure glad she didn't match my rabbi tag, it is purple, could you see a blue heeler with a purple color?? Mine is blue.. he he
I see brown trim on the paisley collars! I think they look very handsome on both of you!
Love ya lots,
Now that's classy Bear!!! :0]
Wrong! Paisley is very macho. My dad wears Paisley ties sometimes. I have a blue paisley bow tie that I wear to work, which earns many compliments. Paisley is cool. It was originally woven for Kings, because the pattern is so complex. See.
And you think your mom dresses you funny! You got collars, not bow ties!
we like paisley. it's kind of a retro thing. it's cool. it's hip. it's fashion.
we like those collars. we would be proud to wear them.
It's just the dog version of the man beans' ties that are paisley and I think look very nice on you two handsome hunks of studly dogs.
P.S. The Frisky Felines and I thank you and your mom VERY much for all of our prezzies! For dogs you did pretty good. We posted pictures and video on our blog so you can see just how much fun we had.
Lisa & the Frisky Felines
ooooohhhhh Tucker Do...I love the collar! It makes you look more handsome than ever!!! Bear is looking pretty cute too!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Shyla here - Wooohooo! I love your new collar! You look so handsome and stylish. Maybe your people can call my people and we can get together!
Well, I think the collars look very nice too! And if you want to talk about sissy collars, I wear a KITTY COLLAR!!! But I think it's okay, because I'm tiny, like a kitty.
I didn't ask Steve, but I think the collars look lovely on both of you.
Tucker, I think you and Bear look wonderful no matter what color or pattern your collars are. But green does look good on you both.
well the girls seem to like them so I say they must be good.
I agree! You two look great with your new collars!
We all know you are so macho no matter what color you wear!
Have a good night
It's not the colour or the pattern that counts, it's how you wear it! I very proudly wore a purple collar for a long time, before getting my nice chili-pepper one and mommy still puts the purple one on, sometimes. So don't worry. You guys look fine.
You mom must be on the same wavelength with mine. We got new collars for Christmas. Sorry about the unmanly ones you got. I got a collar with wolves howling. Very masculine, IMHO.
Kisses, Sky
woofies Brats!!!! me finkies da collars looks verwy handsome on u both...heehee she cood got ya one wiff ladybugs or sumthin likie dat on it...
b safe,
Well, our Mom would probably make us wear paisley, but I'm not sure that I would like it. But then again country music stars and cowboys wear paisley. And they can be kinda cool....sometime...okay I'm not making a good arguement here. You're probably right. It's not macho.
I love the paisley collar - where did your human find that?!?!?
It matches my humans tattoo (long story)
Love Dory
Tucker, you can totally pull off the paisley. You still look uber Macho.
I'll be spending my evening dreaming of YOU! Right now I'm chewing on a buff-lo bone. My apes stay home with me cuz we're right near where they shoot off fireworks and I can totally scared. I mean, I have to protect my ma ape from them.
Paisley is ok in the right colour.
Not that I have it. But it looks cool on you.
Go Bear, go!
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