Thanks to my BF Sherman's great Mom our cooking challenged one decided to make us something special. She came home with all this stuff, even a giant pot and a smoosher thing. We're embarrassed to admit that's how much of a non-cooker she is. We were worried cause she kept cutting up vegetables and we didn't see any meat in sight.
Like 15 hours later (or maybe just a couple) we have two GIANT thingys full of food! This picture looks kind of gross but it was soooo yummy.Thanks Sherman's Mom Jen for getting ours to cook something. We owe you huge.
In other news, Thrawn started having seizures yesterday. The good thing is Bear didn't try to atttack him (this was the first time he saw him have one), but I managed to bite his head before Mom shoved me out the door. I got in trouble. He's not too perky right now, just lying around the kitchen not holding his head up much, like this. Hopefully he'll get better soon because we can't go in the kitchen at all when he's sick.
Mom wants to write something now so bye! -Dot
Maryann here...Ironically I took this pic the other day and started to post about how Thrawn's been doing. He's finally gotten on a good mix of meds and seems to be much better. Left is his AM pills and the right are the PM ones plus the vitamins at the top.He had a seizure yesterday afternoon then was ok until late last night. After that the "door" was open so to speak and he went all night having about one an hour or so. He's had five more during the day today but at least it's not as often. The nights are always the worst and to be honest, I'm dreading tonight. His recovery times have been short which is a good thing too so I'm happy for that. Hopefully we'll be posting tomorrow saying he's done with this bout!
Have you tried putting him on Potassium Bromide? That is what Abby takes for her seizures, and hasn't had one for years!
I sure hope he is ok and gets better soon!!
Hey Holly
Yea, that's what the brown one is in the morning and evening. We just started that about 6 months ago. It's definitely cut down on the frequency. (which I'm eternally grateful about!!!)
Thanks :)
Hey Dot,
I have to say even though your Mom doesn't cook often...your food does look super duper delicious. least she didn't screw up. :P Oh dear..I hope Thawn is better by now.
Wow...that food looks yummy. I hope you guys enjoy it. Sorry Thrawn isn't feeling well...I hope he gets better soon!!!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Hey Doggies,
I hope that Thrawn get better
soon I will be praying for him.
And the food that your mom cooked
looks soo yummy for my birthday I might
get my mum to cook something for me.
Love and Licks
Texas (and his humans).
Your mom's food looks nice. Poor Thrawn. I hope he's better now
~ Girl girl
Oh Thrawn, we're very sorry that you are having seizures. I have them too and it sucks. (It is a great way to make your humans worry...but I wouldn't recommend it on a frequent basis).
We hope your Mom is right on the money and that by last night you are A OKAY. We're sending you some siberian husky love. :)
And that food....looks WAY YUMMY!
Oh no,
About time your mom cooked some food! Man, that looks good, can I have some?
Poor Thrawn, maybe the vet can suggest a med change? We hope he gets better soon.
Frenchie SNorts
Poor Thrawn. Hope you all got through the night OK, and that things settle down.
best wishes
Sorry to hear about Thrawn's seizures! Hope he's better soon.
And I'm sorry I haven't been around in a while. I'm back, and blogged, and want to thank the 5 happy hounds for their donation to Hike N Howl!!
We all really appreciate it.
Stay strong Thrawn. The seizures suck, but your Mom and the Pack will be there for you.
We're sorry Thrawn is not feeling well, hope he got some of that yummy dinner, or that someone saved him an extra serving.
I hope Thrawn feels better now. Those seizures don't sound nice!!
Like many of our friends say that food looks yummilicious!!!
Have a nice day
Oh, we hate seizures around here! (As I'm sure everyone does, now that I think about it.) They're so scary! Dot-Spot! Leave Thrawn alone when he's having one! That's what I do when Fig has hers and I get extra treats because of it! :-)
Hope your mom doesn't blame it on the new food and stop making it now.... that would be VERY sad.
We sure hope Thrawn's feeling better today. That must really be tough on all of you guys.
The FleasGang
Dot - I'm very glad your Mom made you some yummy stew. Yours looks better than ours. I think your Mom & my Mom need a cooking show on Animal Planet..."Two chicks who feed their dogs better than they feed themselves". Has a nice ring to it, eh?
Mom said our stew lasts about a week (P&L get 1/2 a cup & I get the shaft...only 1/4 cup).
Sorry Thrawn isn't doing well. We don't know much about seizures, but we're good at saying Doggie prayers for our friends so we'll say some special ones for Thrawn.
YOu are lucky to have a personal chef! And that looks TASTY. I love my vegetables, especially with garlicables. Mmmmmm.
Poor Thrawn. I hope he had an ok night and he recovers from this bout of seizures. And nobody bite him in the head!
Poor Thrawn! I'm sending boxer healing vibes his way.
Thrawn, I hope you're doing better soon! We'll be thinking of you.
P.S. That dinner looks delicious! I'm jealous! Maybe I can get Mom to make something like that for me for my birthday.
Your stew looks yummy. We want mom to make us some.
How did the big guy do last night. Is he feeling better? We were concerned.
Husky Hugs, MayaMarie
Isn't Jen a wonderful lady! My favorite dog treat recipe came from her! She should make a cookbook!
I hope Thrawn gets better soon. Seizures have to be really stressful for everybody. I'm glad Bear was a good boy during it. Maybe his handydog skills include some medical training, too!
Oh yummy yummy yummy looking stew!!! Thrawn, I am so sorry that you had some more seizures. I will be thinking about ya handsome. Please have your mom update us on how you are doing.
The seizures are probably really scary! I hope Thrawn gets better. You food does look delicious though.
We hopes Thrawn gets better soon. I has those seizure too and they not very pleasant. I takes Potassium Bromide for mine.
p.s. your food look delicious
Oh no! Sibe Vibes for Thrawn!!!!!
-Kapp Pack
Poor Thrawn. We hope you get better real soon and those nasty seizures stop happening. We'll be thinking about you buddy.
~Pug Hugs~
Duke & Gidget
Get well soon Thrawn - Healing hound thoughts coming your way!!!
Ooooh, I bet that was delicious! Hey, have you heard of trying melatonin for seizures/epilepsy? Here is a link:
I hope that food was really great!
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