Monday, April 5, 2010


We're PUPPY-SITTING!  My girly girl cuzn GINGERSNAPPY is staying with us for a few nights!!  I'm so excited I almost peed on myself when I heard the news! 
We have soooo much fun together.  I :::heart::: her.  In a cool cuzn kinda way, nothing freaky, k?
I wish she could live with us FOREVER but Nana would be sad I guess.  Maybe Nana wants me to come live WITH her then she'd be double happy to have us BOTH!!!
-Mooch OUT


Ruby Bleu said...

Oh Rulon...I just love that last picture of the two of you. I hope you all have fun this week. Also, it's good to see your giraffe friend is still in one piece!!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Gus said...

good luck!


Peppy Sheppys said...

OMD your cuzn is so PRETTY and you are so SWEET. Sometimes I kiss on my sissy Ethel. DON'T TELL.

Otis the POTUS.

jodda said...

You know whose belly I want to scrub. The intellectual one. It's screaming scritch me!!!

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