First comes the Eve of Christmas Eve, aka the weekend before Christmas. The short people came over to spend the night and because you can't trust the humans they had convinced them Santa was coming early JUST to our house for them. As if. You should have saw Mom try to get out of them wanting to track Santa on the internet....not pretty.
So they made the big Santa hoopla that night and even laid out the spread for him....milk, cookies and REINDEER FOOD. Ummm. I have nothing against the reindeer...I mean, I dig anydog with antlers who can fly. My real issue was that bowl of reindeer food...does it look familiar? That's right, it's full of OUR carob chips and special Christmas marshmallows that the store is almost sold out of that Mom has to drive all over town tomorrow to buy the rest. Phew, that was a lot of thoughts coming out at once. Bear and I tried to get the cookies since the girls couldn't reach but no luck. They were guarded like the Queen's jewels. Or maybe that was the King's jewels, I dunno.Coming next...Part Two....also known as "Deserted On Christmas Eve While Our Cuzns Got To Go And We Had To Stay Home"
PS If you're wondering where Dot-Spot was she had to go to time out for being a big meany head.
Merry Merry Christmas! Hi Hounds we like jewels! Lucky you's getting to eat all the cookies & what wubba fun it looks like ya'll had. We wanna wubba. Wish we had known before Santa paws came now we just have to ask m&d for a New Year gift.. yup a wubba!
Keep celebrating wags & licks to all of you's Merry Christmas!
At least you got to eat the "reindeer" food. That wubba looks like fun. Glad your mom got it off the roof.
Wubba makes us jump and do things that we don't ordinarily do, too! We're so glad Wubba was rescued!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Wow...that was a close one with the wubba...thank dogness your mom got it down!!!
Off to read the second post - w00t!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
I need one of those Wubba thingys. I've heard all about them and how much fun they are but Mom must hate us. No Wubba for Bubba...what's up with that?
Is it weird that I kinda like that Dot's a big meany head? We're a match made in heaven.
Well, that looks like tons of fun. Bear's face when the wubba was on the roof is priceless! He looks so sad!! I'm glad your mom got it down.
Bear's face is great!! A sad lab face will get anybody to do anything!! Just ask my mom!
The picture of Bear after the loss of the wubba was so great!!
Those wubbas look so fun! M and D STILL haven't bought one for us yet. Sheesh...shows how we rate. You're lucky that your Mom is such a hero and saved it from the roof!
Orion and Cassie
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