I hope he doesn't pee on the tree. I better have a talk with him just in case.
Anyway, Mom saw these books at the bookstore the other day when she left us home alone instead of spending time here with us like she should be.

She said they were really cute, but thought our pals from DWB could write better letters to Santa. We don't know why there aren't any "Hamsters' Letters to Santa" books, Girl Girl you might want to look into being published.
Anyway, we're officially gonna try to have a contest! (This is only works if you participate!) Strap on your jingle bells and start thinking about what you want to ask Santa for this year. Once you post your letter on your blog leave us a message on this post to check it out. The deadline is midnight on Sunday, December 2nd. Our Professional Judging Panel (that's official for Aunt Jan) will pick the top three letters (in her opinion only because we know they will all be awesome) and the winners will get a special something from Santa in the mail. (Ok, it's really from us but you can pretend.) If we only have three entries then Aunt Jan has to forfeit her judging fees.
Ho Ho Ho - Feelin' merry around here already....
PS Aunt Jan, will you be our Official Judges Panel????
PS Again...In case you're wondering how she qualifies to be a judge she has the perfect combination of skills. She teaches sixth graders and we ALL know us dogs are way smarter than a sixth grader....plus don't tell her I told you but she can't spell very well so she won't be deducting any points for that.
ETA - If you don't have a blog that's ok, just post in the comments section! Sorry, I didn't think of that before...
ETA AGAIN! To make the letters easy to read for everyone we started a blog to post them. (if you don't want yours posted just let us know, no problem) We'll make a link back to your original post on your blog too. :)
I would love to be the "official judge!" Thanks for the honor...I will do my very best, and Boo is right, I am not a very good speyller!
Hey, this is fun. I'm gonna think of what I want to write to Santa..
~ Girl girl
Hello Tucker
This sounds fun - do you know if Santa brings cats?
Anyway I am going to get mistress to write a little bit about your comp for DWB News. That will be ok won't it?
I like your new christmasy colours!! It feels almost like xmas. :)
This sounds like fun! We'll be putting our thinking caps on!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
OMD...this is so cool. I need to get working on this...it's going to be SO MUCH FUN!!!
Tucker...you are so smart to think of this!!!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Hi There,
I don't have a blog to post on so I thought I would post my letter to Santa here. My name is Ramsey. I sort of belong to an avid reader of yours. Her name is Shannon. I say I sort of belong to Shannon because I'm her foster cat. I've been living with Shannon and my big sister, Katie, the failed foster cat since last spring. Shannon saved me from being euthanized only hours before that was due to happen.
Shannon saved me even though I had a broken pelvis and would require cage rest. She kept me despite the constant meowing, the destruction of the carpet around the cage, the two times daily cage cleanings because I like playing in my liter box and send dirty liter everywhere at every opportunity.
But see Shannon hasn't signed my adoption papers yet. I think of her as my ma. The last people who claimed to love me, hurt me than deserted me. Its made me kind of nervous of new people and unfamilar faces. That makes me really scared to think about moving again. I like it here. I like sitting in the windows torturing the squirells, I like playing with my big sister, I like chasing ma's toes when she sleeps at night or waking her up in the morning because I've just missed her so much that I can't bear another second with a head scratch (ok or maybe its the fact that its been too long since dinner and its time for my breakfast). I can't imagine that anyone will ever love me like ma does.
So Shannon is ma. The first hooman to love me unconditionally. Except she hasn't signed the adoption papers yet.
So my letter to Santa is to ask that Shannon, ma, finally make the right decision. To keep me forever.
Its going to take at least that long for me to repay her for saving my life with lots of cuddles and kisses and cuteness.
Good luck to everyone getting their wishes granted.
Gotta go think about this. Can't write a song, huh?
NOOOOooooOOoooOOO, no no no no.
If you don't mention christmas, we might sneak by without doing it!
I have started writing to Santa too...(My wish list has 23 things on it so far...it starts with
1.bully sticks and ends with
23.bully sticks
stop by my blog, and see the new friend I found for our DWB family.."Charlie the Coyote"
OOOOOH! What an exciting contest, I gotta start thinking what I want for christmas this year!!!!!
Frenchie SNorts
Dear Santa, All I want for Christmas is Bear.
p.s. Did I win?
That's an interesting contest! I just don't understand one thing - what's up with that cats' letters to Santa? Does Santa visit cats, too? Does that mean there are good cats? I would LOVE to meet a nice cat, all the cats I know are mean :(
That's a very interesting contest - I can't wait to read the wishlists :)
Sure this is going to be a very interesting contest!
I just can imagine all the wishlists!
Have a good night
woofies Brats!!! oooo dis gonna b a lot of funs...me nots no who gonna win the contest, but me shure hopies Ramsey gets his wish...ok now me gotta started me list..
b safe,
Hello Five Happy Hounds. We have not met before....nice to meet you. We've seen you around DWB comments for sometime and have meant to come by and introduce ourselves. We read about your contest on DWB news so we figured it was the perfect time stop by.
We figured any place with 5 hounds has got to be a happy place. How cool that you all get to live together.
My name is Seadra and I'm an 8 year old Boston and my sister Zoe is a 4 year old pug. Stop by and vitit sometime.
We think your idea for letters to Santa is a great idea. We can't wait to read all the letters.
Sorry All,
Looks like Ramsey borrowed the computer yesterday morning while I was in the shower. I wonder if his message is meant as a hint of some sort. In answer to Xsara's question, Ramsey is a good cat. He'll be as nice to you as you are to him.
Hope no dogs were too terribly offended.
Happy Santa's Letters All
Ramsey's Ma
I can't wait to read all the letters to Santa Paws.
Hey guys -
Dory here - I just posted my letter to santa - we are so excited about the contest!!
Hey guys!
We've never officially met before, but I see you all over the blogosphere and we have tons of friends in common. I'm Stanley, an 18 month old Airedale, and I'd love it if we could be buds!
This contest is such a cool idea. I'm sure my little sissy, Stella, would love to enter too. We'll let you know when we post our letters.
Your new goober bud,
Oh, I'm so glad Ramsey is a nice cat! That gives me hope!! Maybe our two cats will learn better when they grow, they are only 5 months old now :)
Oh, this will be fun! We will have to work extra hard on our letter.
Steve, Kat, and Wilbur
We just posted our letters to Santa, guys!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
What a great idea! We posted our letter today -
Thanks for putting this all together!
Woofs, Johann
Hey Tucker...I finally posted my letter to Santa Paws!! Woot. That was fun! Here's the link.
Lots of licks, Ruby
Dear 5HH:
We finally got our Santa Claws letter finished or as finished as it will ever be. We hope that you can include it with your other letters since Mum made us wear these insane antlers so she could include pictures. There must be a law against making us dress up for our pawrents' amusement(!) Thanks for including us in your contest.
Dozer and Cooper Edwards, Esq.
Cool contest!
Santa Paws letter all done! :)
Hey, guys!
I've posted my letter. Here's the link. Thanks for doing this. Very cool contest. Here's the link.
Goob love,
Hi Guys,
I finally did it and wrote my letter! Here is the link:
Thanks for doing this contest I'm so excited about Sana seeing my letter!
Your pal,
Hi every pup,
We have finished our letter to santa paws and it's on our page. Thanks for having this contest. You are the bestest!
xoxoFour Pugz
My letter is up on my new and improved blog! Thanks for doing this!
Hi Five happy hounds!
I don't think you know me, but I've heawd of youw fame in the bloggiesphewe..I love weading all youw lettews..I have mine posted on my bloggie if you could come and see that would be gweat!
Thank you
smoochie kisses
pee ess..my bloggie is
Hi I just wote you five cuties, but I don't know what happened to my lettew??
anyway if you don't get the last one, I just wanted you to see my Santa lettew.pleez come to my bloggie
Thank you fow having this contest. I love weading evewyone's lettews
smoochie kisses
We finally did it! We wrote our letter to Santa Paws! Please go see it! We're really excited about Christmas and we hope that Santa Paws likes our letter!
Orion and Cassie
I just read the Letters to Santa Paws. They are all so very good, but I do have my favorite. Aunt Jan, I hope you pick the same one I like the mostest.
Hi ya Happy Hounds! We see ya around the bloggies, love yours, it's so professional. We're still beginners. Oh we're so happy ya'll have the inside track to Santa Paws! We didn't know where to send our letter. Thank you for doing this for all doggies, kitties & creatures. here's our letter
Happy Howling Christmas!
Love Licks & wagging tails from the Tx Trio
Hi Happy Hounds! We're kinda new to bloggies. Nice to meet ya. Wow our Sparky looks like he could be Tucker's bro... We thought we entered our letter already but we don't see our names, so we wanna make sure you help us get it to Santa Paws... thanks HH's
Lots of waggin tails from Tx Trio barking loud! Happy Howling!
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