Pardon the black & whites, Mom was playing with the camera. We don't feel they capture the melony juiciness.
We love each other... :)
I mean, REALLY lovin' the juice!!
He's a sloppy eater. My ears didn't look like that at all. Wonder if they'll stick to the floor tonight...
I love this stuff too much to let it go, I think I'll sleep with it tonight.
So there you have it, our love affair with Wally-Melon! Two paws up, you guys gotta try it!
-Love, Samantha the Melon-Head
PS. This is what happens when it rains unexpectedly. It added another year onto his therapy.
I am into peach right now.
What an innocent looking dog in the last pic.
Butter wouldn't melt huh?
Pippa and Kate
Wow! You guys get the whole thing? Rind and all? I have to talk to my mom. I don't think she's got it right.
I tell you I have to get myself some wally-melon. It looks to good.
We were wondering too about the rind. Do you try to eat it? If you eat it, does it make you sick? The rind is kind of bitter.
We are sick, sick, sick of rain.
Mom freaked out when we bit into the rind then headed to the internet to make sure it was ok. We didn't eat hardly any of it though - but we liked taking bites out then spitting the rind on the floor. :)
I think you just fulfilled about 5 dreams of mine. Oh I will have sweet dreams tonight, imagining you and me in a gigantic wallymelon as I clean the juice from your be-yoo-ti-ful long ears.
Those are GREAT pics!!! I love the look on Thrawns face. You can definitely tell his is LOVING his wally-melon!
I need to have my human get me some of that.
Poor Tucker!!
mmmm...That looks yummy! I never had watermelon.
That looks yummy. We'll have to see if mom can get some wally-melon so we can try it.
-Kelsey Ann
good lord...Thawn looks so happy and pleased with his wallymelon! :) I would have made sure Mom sliced them into tiny pieces and insists she feeds me..I wouldn't want to dirty myself. LOL! So prissy eh?
Oh my.. oh my... MOM!!!.. get me a wallymelon now!!!.. i dun care.. i want it now.. just take alook at Thrawn and Samantha
Golden Rossi
Woh that wally melon sure looks real yummy & juicy for a hot hot day
~ girl girl
Those pictures sure do capture Samantha and Thrawn's enjoyment. :) They really love that stuff!
Thank you so much for your sweet comment about my Chichi. Unfortunately we lost our second baby last night to a problem that we did not know she had developed. It is a sad time around our house. Kiss your babies extra times this week. I love seeing yours enjoying their watermelon!
I want to find a huge wally mellon, crawl inside, and eat my way out.... that would be so cool.
Man I.m hungry after looking at all of you eat that delicious wallymelon.
Frenchie Snorts
Watermelon is good. Now you have to try cantaloupe!!
OMG that picture of Sam is AWESOME! Photo of the month nominee for sure!!
wow! sure looks yummy!
i've never gave my 2 pooches watermelons... only apples and bananas. i guess i shld try - Thrawn and Sam are good endorsers, they made the watermelons looks so delicious!
p/s: BIG HUGZ to Tucker! i hope your softoys can cuddle you to sleep...
Oh, that looks so yummy. Maybe if I eat all of my dinner tonight - yes, I Cosi, can be real picky at times - mommy will let me try some wallymellon for dessert! Great pics, guys. Sam, did your ears stick to the floor?!?!
Hi, friends.
With those pictures you really made us want wally-melon!!
Poor Tucker!
Have a nice day
You look like you're about to lose it, you're enjoying the watermelon so much!!
You two look like you had such a good time with that wallymelon, ha roo!!! It sure looks yummy.
Hmm, I don't really like fruit. Sometimes I like banana chips, but I prefer biscuits or chicken or beef treats.
Looks like you guys had a great time! Thrawn looked like he was in a trance!
Hi Brat Pack you have been tagged by the time capsule bug. Check out our blog to see what you have to do!
Quincy and Tristin
I love wallymelon! My Mom hates eating it of the green part so she always cuts it up into a big bowl and then gives us some in a bowl when she gets some. Your way looks like a lot more fun though.
First, Thank you'all for the nomation. I am just to excited that I was nominated Aroooo roo roo.
Oh You'all are too much with this melon. And "juicy face" is toooo cute. Where was Dot? Did she get any? You know us girls have to sick up for each other.
Husky Hugs. MayaMarie
Wow, you all are so lucky to have Wally-melon! Wally is one of our pals and munching on a melon named after him is just fantastic!
Nice to meet you!
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