Monday, April 9, 2007


Thrawn here. I wanted to say thanks for everyone wishing me to feel better. I am doing better I think, these ugly stinky rubbery mats help even though I still don't like them much. I think we need like 10 more to finish off the paths in the house though. Mom has figured out I can be active a few couple-hour periods a day and that way I still am active but don't wear myself out. It's like being in a senior citizen home. I'm still pretty clumsy and kind of out of it sometimes but that's ok.

On a happy note, I noticed that the birds moved back into their house from last year. Here's a picture Mom took of them out the window last Spring. They'll have lots of snacks in there in about another month or so. Nobody fell out last year but a Husky can always hope. The good thing is I don't have to be an athlete for this, I just hang out below and wait for the gifts to fall.

It's naptime - Thrawn


Megan said...


I sympathise, but my humans have NOT covered the kitchen floor (yet) and I slipped up last night on my wobbly back legs.

It does not take much deerhound howling to get all the humans running down the stairs at 5AM. You should try it.

Sniffs etc

Sophie Brador said...

Thrawn, Isn't it amazing what our people will do for us. The good ones, anyway. I just saw your new housemate in the last post. I hope he's doing well too.

Steve, Kat, & Wilbur said...

Birds are fun! I was chasing some birds around the dog park on Friday. It was really fun, but they always flew over the fence before I caught them. Stupid fence...


Lisa said...

I've got to rig up some cat proof thing to protect my one little birdhouse that is active again.

Tadpole said...

I've never seen those things, Thrawn! They come and make FOOD for you?! How nice of them!

IndyPindy said...

I'm so glad you are doing better Thrawn! Lots of good wishes and thoughs to you!


Khady Lynn said...

I'm so very glad you are doing better. We have all our slippery areas covered by non-slip rugs too. It sure helps the gimpys get around (like Shula and Cyrus when they were still alive, and now Abby) and that is a good thing!

Bird snacks are one of my favorites! Last year I grabbed one right out of the air and brought it in the house for mom. She was NOT pleased with my present! I have no idea why not. I was very proud of myself for catching it in MID-AIR! Oh well, humans, they just appreciate some things about our skill!


Anonymous said...

Thrawn.. good to see a post from you!!! I am glad you are feeling a bit better. And yes, I love watching birds, too!
Hugs, Sitka

Luckie Girl said...

Birds? And they just drop from the sky? Oh cool...i wish we had those bird houses thingy here!

Bella said...

Would boots with good grip also help you being more secure o your feet?


Dakota said...

Good to hear from you Thrawn. I have one of those snack dispensers too..... right under the deck where no one can see them.

Peanut said...

Glad you are doing better and hopefully you get all the mats you need.

National Canine Cancer Foundation