Remember that post from Bear a few days ago whining and moaning about Rulon being here? Yea, well, he's full of it. Overflowing even. They've been non-stop playing since the 2nd day he got here and they never shut up. I hardly get any play time with him anymore.Sam has even got in on the action. Tucker & Millie are still old grump heads though. Here's his glamour shot of the day in case anyone is looking for a perfect puppy. I taught him that pose. -Dot
Heya Dot, Yeah Bear sure looks all duisgruntled and bummed out by Rulon still being there. We don't know how he can "Bear" it anymore. Bear's next posting (hopefully) will be about how disgruntled he is about you Mom having found Rulon a good furever home and having to let him move there. You're right; Bear's full of it alright. - The Bumpass Hound PS - We have listed your blog on our blog's buddy list and hope that's OK with y'all.
It looks like Rulon is fitting in just fine for now! We love his glamour shot!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Well he is brown you know.
Dot: I'm sure you look more lovely in that glamour pose than Rulon, but he does look handsome. Love the play pictures
That's some great bitey-face. Rulon is really keeping everyone active.
love & wags,
HAHA Bear, see I told you it's a lot of fun to have a puppy around! Now if only my humans would get one... :(
Dot, that is a great pose! haha it looks like you guys are all having great fun with the 'new kid'. :)
OMD Rulon is definitely model material. So cute!!!
I sure hope he finds a home soon...
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Ah, maybe Bear thought, if you can't beat em join em...
Something on my bloggy for you all to share.
Love George
Lots of cuteness in that picture! Is your Mom sure there isn't room for 6 dogs in your house and her budget?
Holy doodles! I'm sure envying Rulon. I would love to roll on and on with Bear. Look at how hunky and handsome he is!
It looks like Roulon really feels at home. Before long all of you will be raising the roof happily together. What a busy household!
They look like they are having a really good time together. Seem to be getting along really well too. Any leads on a new forever home for Roulon?
That looks like a pawsome play session!
Kisses, Sky boy
Heya Dot,
Yeah Bear sure looks all duisgruntled and bummed out by Rulon still being there. We don't know how he can "Bear" it anymore. Bear's next posting (hopefully) will be about how disgruntled he is about you Mom having found Rulon a good furever home and having to let him move there. You're right; Bear's full of it alright.
- The Bumpass Hound
PS - We have listed your blog on our blog's buddy list and hope that's OK with y'all.
He's awesome! How do such awesome dudes wind up in shelters? I guess we did...and we're perfect!
wally t.
ps. Bear. Don't tell anyone but I like my baby brudder. I even let him bite my legs! And I don't let anyone touch The Legs!
Is Bear going to forbid Rulon to move to another house?
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