Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Remembering Tucker-Doodle

Maryann here....

I know we've made a lot of new friends this past year that never knew Tucker, but on my birthday last year he passed away.  (the 31st)  It was a hard blow for me especially since he was just the second Brat in the pack, he was very rarely ill and just seemed like he had so much time left.  It was sudden, which I still haven't decided if that's a gift or a curse.

Anyway...here's the story of how Tucker became a Brat from way back when the blog started in 2007 Click here...

My ex-husband and I adopted him out of the blue one day as a puppy years ago.  Although I wanted a big hairy beast of a dog he convinced me Tucker was the one and that he was correct about.  He was one of the best dogs ever.

Here's the story of what happened last year...  Click here

Between those stories are years of Tucker's life that I'm relieved I blogged about so I would always have the different memories.  I wish I had started blogging for them sooner.

While it's hard for me to even go back and read, I do want to say that the Brats have visited the Airport Freeway Animal Emergency Clinic WAY more times than I like to admit.  They've always been great so if you're in the area always keep them in mind.

So anyway...just thought I'd share some of my favorite pics of him through the years.  He was always a ham for the camera and very rarely would you see him without a baby.  I think about him everyday.

And last but not least....The Duck.  Tucker had this duck for over a year, he carried him everywhere, slept with him, ate with him, you name it.  

Miss you, buddy....everyday.

PS...Just a re-post, several pics of Tucker-Doodle in here. :)


Ruby Bleu said...

We miss him too! What great pictures...my fav is his 'vacation' outfit - LOL.

We love you Tucker-Doodle!

Lots of Licks, Ruby, Speeeedy & Michele

Gus said...

We loved Tucker, and know you miss him. He had a certain...oh, I don't know - joy and acceptance, tolerance whatever that came through clearly.

gussie n teka

National Canine Cancer Foundation