Wednesday, April 14, 2010

We missed Bear's barkday!

This was Care Bear on his very first day home...isn't he just the bomb?!?!  That was in 2007, we can't believe it's been that long.

We love ya, buddy!


Ruby Bleu said...

Happy Barkday Bear!!!! You are just so handsome!!!! Hope you get lots of great snackie...'specially still the peoples forgots!!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

diane said...

Happy barkday to Bear!

Asta said...

Happy Late Biwfday Beaw!~!!!!Ypou awe a gowgeous hunk and I hope you make up fow the missed Biwfday wif lots of tweats and celebwations.
I'm sending an extwa supply of smoochie kisses and love

D.K. Wall said...

Happy Barkday Bear!

Peanut said...

What kind of mom forgets your barkday? Hope it was a lovely one.

Peanut said...

What kind of mom forgets your barkday? Hope it was a lovely one.

Lorenza said...

Happy Birthday, Bear!
I love you too!
Kisses and hugs

National Canine Cancer Foundation