Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Sunny Days at DFW Humane!

Hiya pals, it's Samantha. 
While we were locked up in prison today you-know-who went to play at the shelter for lunch. 

This pretty girl has fur like silk, at least that's what I heard.  She was so excited to have company that it was hard to get a good picture!  She adored attention and let you love all over her.  I would let someone love all over me too if I weren't locked up in prison.  I'm just saying.
This little ball of dynomite is Paul and WOW is that some energy.  He was wiggling all over the place being excited and tried to give our Ape puppy-mojo eyes but no way was that working.
Geez, gotta be careful.  Never know what dog is going to try to weasle their way into our house.  Speaking of weasles....here's that Roxie dog again.  Now she was doing bar tricks with her tongue to be irresistable.  Can you believe the gall of some dogs?!?
Today was the first day that Mom was able to play with the gorgeous Great Pyr lady that was there.  She's more my speed....slow and laid back.  Isn't she gorgeous??? (also like me...)
Last but not least, here's Hank.  Good ole' Hank has bookoos energy and is DEFINITELY not my speed.  I'm surprised the camera even caught a picture of him.  Hopefully some super active family will find him and he'll live happily ever after.
So that about wraps up this edition of cheating Apes and shelter dogs.  I have lots of important things to do...like sleep and eat.  Catch ya on the flip side.
PS  Oh yea, Mom saw someone carrying Mini-me Basset at the shelter, hopefully she found herself a perfect new family!!  I love happy endings.
PS AGAIN...Oops, forgot... http://www.dfwhumane.com/

1 comment:

Moco said...

We have crossed paws for all to get wonderful furever homes.

National Canine Cancer Foundation