Monday, April 19, 2010

Oh, I'm a LADY....

Go ahead, play the video below and jam to the music....

...while gazing on this beee-yooooootiful view.

Hot, eh???  I know.


Shannon said...

That is definitely laugh out loud funny! Hilarious.

D.K. Wall said...

Samantha - You have our hu-dad speechless with your beauty.

jodda said...

Don't make me laugh that hard, still sore.
That's good work there. :)))
the classy streams of slobber, the classy expression. The lovely damps nostrils.
It takes a lot of work to keep up that level of hotness!
Don't let her fool you.

(that's such an awesome picture)

Gus said...

Oh Yeah!

You Go Girl


Droopy, Smiley, and Kayah said...

Only a basset lady could be so beautimus!!!!!

Lots of slobber,
Droopy and Callie

Daisy Dog said...

fabulous darling!

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