Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Oh Christmas Tree

DUDES!  It's almost that time to put up the Christmasy tree in the house!  I loooove the tree, just love it!  I only wish it were alive and smelled like squirrel and birds.  We have a problemo though and I think we're gonna get the BIG lecture tonight.  Last year Mom bought this really cool tree skirt.  Uh, why does a tree need a skirt?!?!  Just for the record, I looked up it.  Ha ha ha ha ha ha.

Um, anyways.  I guess last year she wasn't so happy when somedogs sprinkled the tree skirt and she had to wash it like six times between Turkey Day and the big day.  She bought a big bottle of this STAY AWAY spray this year that she thinks is gonna help but I blame Millie for most of it and I don't think her sniffer works very good anymore.  In other words I see trouble coming soon and for once it's not gonna have MY name on it!

Rooooooolon-Mooch - OUTTA HERE!


Ms. ~K said...

I guess artificial trees don't need watering huh?
Keep us posted,
Wrooo wrooo

D.K. Wall said...

Never happened here. Nope never. Well, not much. Ok, some.

There was the year that Natasha and Nikita were playing tag and ran into the tree and knocked it to the floor. They tried to claim innocence but they were sort of sitting IN the tree.

Lexi said...

Happy Thanksgiving,

Astrid Keel said...

bwahhh haha... you were just making sure the tree stayed watered! BOL!

River said...

All kindsa trees need moisture! Make sure you take a picture of the tree.

love & wags,

Gus said...

Happy Thanksgiving guys. We put the tree on the table. Saves wash water.


wally said...


We don't have a tree because the ape is worried we will water it. WTF?

We almost had our own Rulon, only bigger, but I was too high-strung around him. My ma ape thinks he's the bees knees and ought to be a pittie ambassador. She's all leaky but I'm glad things are back to normal.

wally t.

Scout and Freyja said...

Wishing you and yours the most blessed of days as we break bread with friends and family or spend our time as a volunteer with any one of the numerous charities in need of our time and talents.

Peace, plenty, prosperity - my wish for the United States of America.

Sophie Brador said...

Brats! I miss you so much, Especially Bear. And I love that video of Rulon with the balloon. My mom has been swamped with work and the flat brother, so we haven't been visiting blogs very much at all. It's just not the same when I don't have time to get out there and flirt.


p.s. Extra smoochies to Bear

p.P.S. Mom saw jammies for the flat dog made out of fleece with pictures of Sam all over them. He might have to be one of her boyfriends if he starts wearing those jammies

Daisy Dog said...

Oops. I don't think Tree Skirts need watering, maybe trees.....

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