Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Pssst, are you there?

It's me, Millie.

Everydog is sleeping here so I'm in the bathroom with the laptop trying to be quiet. I'm just learning this computer stuff so I might be kind of slow. Mom was playing with our pictures last night making some ads and posted this one on her blog.
Wally wrote me and told me he hoped I found a good home soon which was really nice, but I don't think I want to leave here. I mean, I like my foster brothers and sisters and I always have company. Plus I get treats for big dogs which I really, really like and I get to sleep between the pillows on the big bed. I know Mom kinda had her heart set on a big hairy Husky though. I was thinking, what if I got this costume and wore it around the house? Do you think I could stay then?I've been studying Meeshka's blog a lot too trying to get tips on acting more like a Husky. I've committed the HULA guidelines to memory and I'm trying to channel my inner Northern Breed. I ate almost a pound of spinach the other day in training, I think Thrawn would have been proud. I don't have much fluff to leave everywhere, but I guess I could try pulling some out. I'll let you know how it goes, k? Cross your paws.


Lizzy said...


I'm sure you could make a grrrrEAT Husky if you tried hard enough! Please do let us know how it goes, okay?


Peanut said...

Flash says he has a bunch of fluff that he could lend you. He will get mom to furminate him tonight and get it off in the mail to you. It's nice to hear from you. I think you will be there forever.

Shannon said...

Its too bad that you feel like you have to be someone you aren't. Maryanne is just trying to do the right thing for you Millie. Besides maybe she'll find enough room in her house for a sixth dog, your little, you don't take up too much space or eat too much food right? And Dog knows she can definitely find enough room in her heart for a sixth dog.

Lady Kaos said...

I think you should stay! If it's fluff you need, I'm pretty sure there are a lot of dogs out there that would volunteer some of their's. I don't have much, but I can try to help. My Mom didn't want a small dog when she adopted Sasha, but Mom says she really likes having the little one around for the pillow cuddling and stuff like that. IF you need any help convincing her, just let us know. The DWB community did pretty good convincing her that Bear should become a Brat Pak member. My paws are crossed for you!!

Gus said...

Oh Millie: Teka here...I am a JRT, and my muzzer didn't intend to keep me when she and dad started taking care of me either. But DAD fell in love with me, and I am now on year 3. Just do not make trouble or run away (like I do) and I think you will be very happy there. My motto is...It isn't altitude, but attitude that counts.

kisses and sisterhood

Ferndoggle said...

Millie...I'll bet you're not going anywhere! I've heard your Mom is a big softie when it comes to seniors. Or any dog, for that matter.


Sophie Brador said...

Hey, If a hamster can be an honourary dog, you can be an honourary huskie. That's my two cents at least.


Mud Monster said...

Ohhh Millie. I will definately cross my paws that you get to become a member of the Brat pack!! Please keep us informed on how it goes.

Sending sibe vibes your way lil lady!

Play bows,

The Zoo Crew said...

I've wanted you to stay there from the beginning and have secretly been hoping you wouldn't go anywhere. You've done good work, weasling your way into the brat pack! I bet your attitude is bigger and "fluffier" than the rest of the brat pack put together!!

Lucy Lu

Amici said...

Husky or not you are still great!

Besides, you are learning quick by eating that spinach- Thrawn would have definitely been impressed. :)

a. body said...

Dude--I wouldn't want to leave there either. You're in dog heaven! Now, don't tell Sam or my other pals this but I can help you out--my ma ape is a Washington Husky! (In addition to being just regular husky). Surely she can help you out.


ps. There was a BEAUTIFUL Husky at the SPCA last weekend and there were already people looking at him. My ma ape did consider driving him to Texas!

Lisa said...

"I think Thrawn would have been proud". Yes indeed! He would have! I don't think I'll ever get the pictures with him covered in floor and red ink (separate, but equally memorable). I think you have some husky in you. I vote you stay right where you are!

Moco said...

We are hoping for you to stay. we will send thought vibes to your dogmom while she sleeps. We are good at that.

Dandy Duke said...

Our paws are crossed that you get to stay forever, Millie! And just be yourself! You're perfect just the way you are!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

wally said...


Someone screwed up my comment.

So are you going to stay there, Millie? I mean--you're so small there's still room for a Husky!


Steve, Kat, & Wilbur said...

I think that ad is totally cute! My mom loves the shoe reference. Your mom did a great job!

As for the costume, just tell your mom that at least you don't shed much.


Daisy Dog said...

I just found you guys! I have a blog too! I am really enjoying getting to know you! The costume is a great idea!!

Chef said...

I think you fit right into the pack, Millie. You don't need a costume to be a great dog - you are one just as you are... paws crossed!

P.S. Any news about Jenny the elephant? We emailed that mayor guy and hope lots of others did too.

Sandy said...

Hey Millie, You make a great model for that sweet ad! One small dog with big attitude wins the hearts of everyone! I bet your mom does like washing you in the sink!

Anonymous said...

aww Millie.. i hope you get to stay too :)

Misadventures of Widowhood said...

You look so cool in your pink sweater, Millie. How could anyone not love you?

Levi's mom

Anonymous said...

Ok Millie, Here's the deal. First you make a list of pros,ie: You don't eat as much as one of the bigger dudes. You can have a bath in the sink resulting in much less wettage on Mom. You can wear cute clothes(if Mom wants you to) You don't take up 3/4 of the chair or bed when you hop up with Mom. Aaaannnd your poop is MUCH smaller when those pooper scooper chores occur! Hmmmm..your only con is that you are not a huskey BUT you are you which is totally cool. (Just keep doing that eye thingy to her. It's worked for everyone else!!) Oh, and you're so little, if she has her heart set on one of those furry huskeys, you hardley take up any room at all! (Scooter, my chihuahua will be happy to represent you in your case pro bono-well,pro bone anyway :)
Scooter, Sunny & Jamie

Jans Funny Farm said...

Oh, Millie, we're all rooting for you. You sure look and act like you belong. Perhaps the only one who doesn't know it yet is your mom. We all have our paws crossed for you.

The Army of Four said...

Hey Millie,
My "brother" Dave is really a Lab in a Sibe suit -- I'm just SURE of it! So there's no reason to think that couldn't work out for you. Seriously.
Tail wags and good luck!


Woof, Millie

This is Scuba, Keiko, Norman and Toby. We're a pack of desert pups looking for new pals. We hope you get to stay, try woofing in a really loud voice like a big dog would do and maybe they'll mistake you for a husky. We're rooting for you.

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Hey Millie, I hope you'll stay.
I think you're really cute too

~ Girl girl

Huskee and Hershey said...

Oh Millie, that is a lovely pawfect home, so I hope you it'll be your forever home! That's where you belong, sweetie..

Ozzie, Rocky and Lola said...

Oh Millie, you look like such a sweety we bet you have no trouble at all winning them over and becoming a member of the "pack"! We don't think they will make you go anywhere!
Ozzie & Rocky

National Canine Cancer Foundation