Hi...it's Bear. I've been blue and not wanting to blog but Mom said it's good therapy so I'm gonna give it a try. This is my first "real" Christmas and I'm pretty excited! I didn't know what stockings were till the other dogs told me....that sounds SO good. I hope I get a Moo Tube in mine...and new stuffies cuz I'm really starting to like them.
We got new stockings this year - here they are. From left to right...the two penguins are mine, then Sam, Tucker's snowman and Dot has the two snowmen. Our names aren't on them yet cuz Mom is slow and waited to long. She promised by next year.

Here's the whole fireplace....Thrawn and Dakota's are hanging on the far right. Thrawn had the matching Penguin one like mine but just one penguin.

Something else fun we've been doing is wrapping presents for our cuzins...these two are from me to Shadow and Buddy. I'd tell ya what they are but they read my blog so I can't. I wrapped them in tissue paper so they could rip them open easy on Christmas morning....I hope I get some presents too. I haven't seen any under the tree yet but Tucker said not to worry, Santa brings them when we're sleeping.

Hope everypup, kitty and hamster is having a fun holiday season so far! Love, Bear
Bear, I know you will have a wonderful Christmas in your real home...Santa knows you have been GOOD!
I really like the stockings your mom has for all you doggies!
Love ya,
Aunt Jan
Such pretty stockings! And how nice that Thrawn and Dakota have one too. Mom and dad have one for Shula and Cyrus that have little angle pins on them. We never want to forget them, so this is how we celebrate this time of year...we make sure they know they are never forgotten!
woofies Brats!!! oooo Bear, u gonna haff sooo muchies fun xmas day....me hopies u and all gets lots of pressies and tweats to fill up dose socks...
b safe,
I see that you are all set for Christmas !!!
I bet you are going to enjoy your Christmas :)
wow... pretty n nice socks there for those nice nice pressies from santa!!
Those stockings look so pretty - and most importantly they look big enough to hold plenty of presents for you all!
What beautiful stockings! I bet Santa fills them to the tippity top for all of you!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hey Bear, not to worry...you've been so good all year, Santa is sure to bring you a whole truckload of Moo Tubes. Please share some with Dot-Spot.
Those stockings are beautiful. You will get lots of presents from Santa I am sure.
Bear, Christmas is the best! You get lots of stuff, and everyone who visits brings you stuff, and then there's lots of people food that finds it's way to you!
Wow, those stockings are cool! And huge too!
Oh Bear - I just know Santy Paws is going to be good to you and the rest of the pack. I love that Dakota and Thrawn still have their stockings up! Mom has a tear in her eye!
We love your stockings, and since you know which one is yours, who cares about names! We are glad you felt up to blogging, because we know you miss Thrawn. Can we have a foot update?, please?
oh dear.. I know this is supposed to be a happy post. But those two stockings on the right has made me cry again. (sorry)
Thinking of you often.
You need to tell our mom that we need stockings AND stuff to put in the stockings!!! Love your stockings :)
You've been such a good boy this year, Bear. I'm sure Santy Paws is bring something for you!
Hi Bear, we love your stockings. they look so pretty hanging there.
we wrote a letter to santa paws, but we were too late for your contest. we wanted to write to him anyway 'cuz we have a lot to say and it's our only chance to ask for stuff.
Woo, we can't wait for Santa Paws!!!
Woo woo, Kelsey Ann
Those are very nice stockings! This is Shyla's "first" Christmas too! We're showing her how much fun it is. Pretty soon you're going to need a bigger fireplace! Mom said she knew we were finished adding rescues when we ran out of space for more stockings. Harrroooroo!
Hi, Bear
I am sure you will enjoy your first Christmas! You'll see how fun it is.
Your stockings are beautiful! I can't wait to see them full of presents and treats!
Have a good night
Hi Bear!
So glad the rest of the pack filled you in on stockings! Dublin's stockings are still hanging by mine...I know we'll always put his stocking out every year!
I should do a post on our stockings! Thanks for the great idea Bear!
Give our love to Shadow & Buddy!
Love & Licks,
ps..& give your mama an extra big smoochie from me!
Hey Bear,
I am sure you'll be getting lotsa pressies this year. :) Keep your ears opened for Santa Paw!!
Bear, we are so glad to see you blogging because you are right. It is very good therapy and we know Thrawn is so proud of you for carrying on! Your stockings are way cool. We don't have stockings, but we have spied a couple packages with our names on them!
Ozzie & Rocky
I think you'll going to have a pawsome xmas Bear. Hope you get lots of toys
~ Girl girl
Bear, we're so excited for you that you're going to have your 1st Christmas in such a wondeful, loving home!! Keep your ears peeled for Santa and be looking for those presents on the 25th.
What a great looking set of stockings! We are glad Dakota and Thrawn have theirs too.
You are such a good cousin to have presents for Buddy and Shadow. We aren't sure we would be willing to share anything.
We know Santa Paws will bring your some wonderful gifts but we think you have the bestest gift ever in finding your furever home. Those brats make a pretty nice family, don't they?
Merry Christmas!
Roxie, Sammy & Andy
Sounds like you are already have a great holiday season! I know it's tough, you all are still sad about Thrawn, but he wouldn't want you all to stay sad and not enjoy the holidays.
I LOVE opening my presents, mom usually gets some videos of me doing that!
What's a moo tub? Hey, thanks for nominating me for photo of the month! I will have to hang out on the Bone Zone more often.
Those are great looking stockings, Bear. Hope you all have a very Merry Christmas & a Happy & Healthy New Year!
-Cosmos & Juneau-
Bear, you're in for a treat! Christmas is AWESOME and I'm sure your ma will make your first one great! I would like to stand under the mistletoe with my lady Sam. But before I drink too much eggnog and I have rummy belches.
You pups have really cool stockings. We just got our stockings this year. Maybe I'll take a picture of them for our blog too. I can't wait to hear what you get for Christmas!!
wow all of the stockings are looking really nice!
you guys will get loads of pressies from Santa for being good.
we hope you get loads and loads of them that they cannot be fit into that stocking!!
sending our love to you all..
*muakz muakz*
BamBam & Eski
Oh boy, oh boy! Almost Christmas!! I can't wait!
I like your stockings!
Kisses and huuugs!
Hey Bear, YOu will get tons of presents, I'm sure! I'm sending you big smoochies too.
Huh. I don't have a stocking. I am jealous.
Don't be blue. Stop by when you get a chance. We have something for all our new friends.
Jan's Funny Farm
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