Thursday, July 12, 2007

We broke Mom.

This is an anonymous post from one of us. I can't tell you who this is because that would be bad news.

You see, we wanted Mom to stay home with us today - we figured we could play, take naps together, maybe go to the park. Sounds good, right? Right. So we stayed up late last night and made a plan...when she got up at 6 am to give Thrawn his pills and let us go potty we were going to bump into her a little so she couldn't go to work. Well, something went wrong. Horribly wrong. She was standing at the door with her back to us kinda so when we (notice I said WE and not I) tried to bump her we hit her legs funny from behind. Next thing we knew she went flying, one leg went one way and the other, well, didn't. There was a big banging noise, come to find out it was her knee hitting the ground. Gross, huh?

So she left us and went to the doctor. (we were hiding in the bedroom by then) He said her right knee is hyper-extended, has torn ligaments and her knee cap is cracked. The left one is just beat up a little. She has this big brace thing and has to walk on sticks which is freaking Tucker (who this might or might not be writing) out cuz he's scared of anything that looks like a stick. She said she's not mad at us, but we still feel kind of guilty. Now it looks like it'll be forever till we get to the park again. :(

-A sad group of hounds.

PS She's extra grumpy cuz she leaned on the back of the car to catch her balance when she got home...her bad leg pressed against the exhaust pipe and now she has a big burn right below the brace. She screamed more about that then when we took her down. We just wanted to say we had nothing at all to do with this but we're trying to lick it to make it feel better.


Dakota said...

Oh my!
I heard about this before. The Big Dog - who is now at the Bridge according to The Mom - once walked right in front of The Mom when she was in a hurry for something. The Mom fell and had to have her arm in a sling for a long, long time. She couldn't pull up her own pants. Well, that's what The Big Dog told me before he went to the Bridge.


PS from The Mom to your Mom - I hope you are taking it easy and making those hounds of yours bring you things and keep you safe and warm.


Tadpole said...

Oh my DOGNESS! Your poor mom!!! I sure hope she feels better soon!

But at least she'll have to stay home with you for a while now, so in essence it was "mission accomplished" right? Just keep licking her - that's bound to help....

-The Mullin Clan's Mommy- said...

To Mom,
Rest your knee & hope you feel better real soon! All they had to do was ask ya to stay home from work - kids/dogs how their minds work, oh my!

Liza said...

Oh dear heavens!!!! Maryann - we hope you get better real soon. I know how much knees can hurt!!

We hope you get better real real soon. And guys - don't worry your mom knows (and so do we) accidents happen!!

Take care and get some rest all of you!!

With love and best wishes - Liza and Dory

Dandy Duke said...

You guys are all going to have to band together and help your mom out all that you can! She needs your help guys! I sure hope she heals soon. What a bummer!

Love ya lots,

wally said...

Oh no! Your poor mum! You guys better take good care of her so she doesn't stay mad. I hope she heals very quickly so she can take you to the park again soon. Give her some kisses for me. I especially like kissing on the eyeballs.


IndyPindy said...

Oh no, your poor mom! I'm sure she knows you guys didn't mean to break her.

Hey, I gave you guys a rockin' guy blogger award, come check it out on my blog!

Peanut said...

Oh no Maryann that is bad. Torn ligaments are never good. Hopefully no surgery is in your future. Flash was freaked out by the husband's crutches also.
Take it very very easy as much as you can.

Rachelle (peanut and flash's mom)

Ferndoggle said...

Maryann!! Oh goodness girl! What have those dogs done to you??? Please tell me you don't need surgery. Knees suck when they're hurt...I know too well.

I'm sorry but I giggled (just a little!) reading your P.S. It sounded like a Jim Carrey movie!! I'm sure it wasn't funny at all and I'm gonna fall down the steps tomorrow & break my neck b/c I have the worst Kharma...but your story telling is just that good!

Hope those doggies are keeping you warm & staying away from your legs! Feel better soon!!!


Anonymous said...

Oh no Maryann...just not your day! I hope you can take it easy for a while. Please take care!

Licks from Ruby and Hugs from Michele

Khady Lynn said...

Oh NO!! That't terrible! I sure hope your mom heals very soon! I guess she got her Friday the 13th a day early. And I'm sure she knows you didn't mean any harm by just wanting her to stay home and spend time with you!

(sending healing vibes to your human)

Avery said...

Ouch!! I hope your mom has a quick recovery. Ya'll will have to take good care of her just like she takes care of you when you're hurt. I'm sure she knows that nodoggy meant to hurt her.


MJ's doghouse said...

wow you guys did in your own mom...i promise i wont tell her..but at least now you got her home with you...even if she is yellin and screeming....

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Oh no.. I hope your mom gets well soon.. I'm sure you all dont mean it

~ girl girl

Texas's Mum said...

Oh my DOGNESS hear at
Texas central we all hope
you make a speedy recovery.
And Doggies look after your
mom just remember she sometimes
has to go out and work if she does'nt
then how will you guys/girls eat and
get treats.

Love and Licks
Texas (and his humans).

Luckie Girl said...

Hey Guys,
Oh gosh, I hope your Mom gets better soon. :( Your plan did work afterall.

Amici said...

Gee, pups, maybe next time you can just ask with those eyes of yours....that would have been a less costly and hurt free way of having your Mom stay at home. :)

MaryAnn, we hope you get better soon. That sounds painful. I hope the pups learn quickly how to get water for you, food, and a good movie on the t.v.

Hugs from Maine!

Anonymous said...

Well, I guess Friday the 13th came early in your house. Good luck with your recovery.

Roxie, Sammy, Andy and Shermie said...

Ouch-ouch-ouch! Tell your mom we are thinking about her. Just this morning Andy almost took Mom down with a tennis ball so she knows how easily (and quickly) it can happen.

Don't worry guys, your mom knows you didn't do it on purpose, you just had a plan that went a little awry.

Gus said...

I hope your mom is doing OK. You all must be very good and take care of her, but don't feel too bad. One time Teka (all 11 lbs of her) managed to knock muzzer down two times in two successive day. She spent a lot of time in the crate for that one, so you all are lucky.

ps...muzzer says if we were closer she would help walk you at a time!

Lisa said...

So sorry about your injury and your insult to injury burn, Maryann. I know they both must have hurt!

Anonymous said...

oh my gawd...
i hope you're doing alrite M!
it 'sounds' pretty bad, but i am sure you'll get the Bart-Pack-Power and recover really soon.

Lady Kaos said...

Oh no!! I hope your Mom heals fast. It sound slike she was having a really ruff day. I'm sure you will all take very good care of of her.

Lorenza said...

Hi, friends.
Your plan worked but in the worst way!
I hope you mom recovers soon!!
Give her kisses and hugs!

Steve, Kat, & Wilbur said...

Holy Cow Guys! I mean, yeah, it's nice to have your mom stay home with you, but it's nice to have her be able to play too! Take good care of her now!


Hana said...

Uh oh. That doesn't sound good at all. I hope you Mom feels better soon. You guys had better stay low for a while.

Sophie Brador said...

You dogs and you're hi-jinx! Whose bright idea was that one. Certainly not Bear's because he is my brilliant sort of boyfriend. I personally give Bear permission to act all self-righteous and give you snarly looks for breaking your mom. And I really hope your mom gets better soon. Ouch! A cracked knee cap? That sounds awful. does she at least get to stay home from work for a few days?

The Husky in the Window said...

I hope you'all are giving your mom lots of fluffy hugs and wet kisses.
Hope she feels better soon.

PerfectTosca said...

Holy Cannoli! I would be anonymous too if I were you. If I ever pulled that on The Woman I would be off biscuits for a year! Now you guys gotta do double time snuggling up to her so she gets right to the part where she forgives you!

Happy Hounds, you are so cool! So cool! I want to tnank you for sponsoring Perfect Me in the Blogathon 2007. Dogs With Blogs are the coolest dogs of all, and so are their persons!

Toby said...

Oh, your poor Mommy.... To make up for it, you guys should give her extra kisses and licks. Just be very careful not to bump her anymore.

Hope your Mommy feels better real soon!~


Pugsley, Buster, Cricket & Daisy said...

Oh my dog, sorry to hear about your mama boo boo. We hopes she gets better soon.

Your pals, Pugsley, Buster and Cricket

The Daily Echo said...

Oh woo is me! Poor Mom! I'm sure she knows you didn't mean to have her get hurt. Try to be extra good and quiet until she's feeling better.

Duke and Gidget said...

Oh No! Your poor Mom! We hope she feels better real soon, and remember, the best way to heal an ouchie is lots and lots of doggy love!

~Pug Hugs~
Duke & Gidget

Bernard Hinault Lilje said...

WOW-- That sounds horrible- I hope your mom recovers quickly. Did you guys ever think about joining the mob?


Anonymous said...

Oh no! I hope your mom takes it easy and gets ot feeling better. I am glad she is not mad at you. When I pulled mom off the deck a few years ago and she had to have surger on her nose twice, she never once got mad at me. Please get her a banana and grab toys for her to play with. Also, give her kisses for me please!

Princess Eva and Brice said...

Oh No! Give her lots of snuggles and kisses and she'll know that you didn't mean to hurt her.

We've only caused bumps, bruises and far.

Belly rubs,

Balboa said...

OH NO, poor mommy,

I hope she taking it easy and getting lots of rest. Mommy's want to take care of us, so you all need to be extra nice and loving to your mommy.

Frenchie Get well Snorts

National Canine Cancer Foundation