So then he tried to get away from me by going around the swirly chair, but I cut him off! Still nothing, but I think he's gonna crack soon.I decided to give up a while so I cleaned out both of Doodle's ears. He really likes that and will even move his head to change sides.
After that Dot scored and found the last piece of a bone we had, I think she hid it but I can't prove it. So we all sat around and stared at her eating it. She didn't share.
Tomorrow is my big day for the treatment to get rid of the yuck worms in my heart. I'm nervous but trying not to show it. Mom is supposed to get up early enough to take me to the office before I have to go, this way I can play with Buddy for a while too. I'll have Mom post tomorrow about how it goes, I have to spend the night there which I'm not too excited about.
Talk to you on Thursday.... -Big Bear
PS Mom said she's cleaning the house this weekend so everyone doesn't have to keep looking at our junk.
I sure hope your worm radicatio goes well, and you become healthy!
I'm sure Thrawn would have played with you if he was a little stronger, but he looks good and is nice to see him on his feet!!
Bear, I have gone through heartworm treatment and I am just fine. I think you will be fine too. Just follow the doctor's orders and stay quiet. It will be hard since you will want to play, but, remember, in the long run it is better if you stay quiet.
Andy, a heartworm survivor
Be brave, wee Bear and know that you couldn't be safer no matter the outcome.
Bear, no worries I'm sure one of them will play with you soon. I hope your treatment goes well. I'm keeping my paws cross for you
~ fufu
Hiya Bear,
First of all, what junk? YOu should see my house! bwahahaha....
I think Thawn will crack soon and play with you. So don't give up, and keep trying. At least he didn't growl at you and just try to get around instead.
Good luck with the heartworm treatment. Keeping my paws crossed for you.
Good luck Bear - I am sure you will be fine. We are sending lots of love your way :)
Hey guys, I like your new template!
I hope everything goes well for you, Bear. The vet is never fun but maybe you'll get a treat afterwards? :)
Puggy kisses
Hey Bear! I'm so glad to see you are fitting right in over there. I hope your treatment goes well. Be a brave boy!
You looked like you were having fun. So have they told if you are staying permently or not? I hope the worm getting rid of goes well. I am sure it won't be fun that you have to be quiet since you like to play but if it makes you healthy then it's a okay
Good luck Bear! Just think of how much more you'll wanna play once those yucky worms are out of your heart. Look out Brat Pack!
We love the shot of your bum sticking up in the air. We'd love to play with you!
Penny & Lola
Oh Dot, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways.
I love the way you chew on bones & make everypup watch you. I love the way you rock to one side so you can really get into chewing. I love how the other pups are super jealous but know you're the boss of the bones. And I especially love all your beautiful DOTS!!!
Your true love,
Big Bear--It's so good to see you gettin' along with everyone. I hope the doctor gets your heart all fixed so you can play all you want!
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