Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Wordless Wednesday


Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

Great WW photo! Dogs are wonderful!

An Atlanta football player has been charged with a felony after a dog he beat died.

Two teens in Atlanta were sentenced to Ten Years for cooking a puppy until it died.

Thanks for bringing animal abuse to the forefront.

FelineFrisky said...

I love all animals, Hub says I'm a sucker for sad eyes. I looked him straight in the face, smiled and said "Yes, I am." ;P

I'd have a farm full if I could.

D :)

Liza said...

Ooh cool idea - we love your wordless wednesday!!!

Dakota - I was lucky, my mom adopted me. I was being kept tied up in a yard and sleeping under a porch. Labs4Rescue found me took me to the vet and found me a great new family - now Mom and I work very hard volunteering for them.

If we had more room we would take a dog like Mr. wiggles in a heart beat.

As mom says we just need to spread the word and educate folks about animals!

Happy Wednesday!!


National Canine Cancer Foundation