Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Dot Update (a better one) - Weds PM

First let me say...this isn't full of bad news.

When I pulled up to the house I saw Dot looking through the front window curtains and barking a little.  To say I was shocked would be putting it mildly, especially after how she was this morning.  We spent about 20 minutes together in the "vet room" here, she was pretty clingy but not as out of it as she has been.  She was moving around much more than yesterday so I thought maybe it would perk her up to hang out in the front yard.  She had different ideas and headed down the sidewalk so we took two very slow trips up and down the street (just a few houses long).  You could tell she was pretty tired on the last trip back to the house, but she was still interested in sniffing around and such.  We sat on the front porch and waited for Dr. Becky, Dot sniffed around and watched the squirrels.

Her gums are still very pale and dry, she's still extremely dehydrated and she's not interested in food.  That said, we took into consideration the upswing in her mood and activity so decided to continue treatment.  Monday night she rec'd half a liter of SubQ fluids, last night 1 liter and today we did 1.5 liters.  The goal tomorrow if she's stable is 2 liters (two iv bags full) and to continue that amount indefinitely.  She did really well today during treatment and she also had another injection of anti-nausea meds.

A few of our medical detail oriented friends were asking what her blood work levels are so here you go:

BUN - normal to high range is 6 to 31, Dot is at 184
Creatinine - normal is 1.6, Dot is at 9
Calcium - normal is 11.4, Dot is at 11.5 (yay, not off much)
Phosphorous - normal is 6, Dot is at 18.7

I thought we'd share a few pics of our time walking around...

We made it back and she was pretty thirsty which was good since she drank quite a bit.
When we were waiting for Dr. Becky we were just hanging out and I was goofing off with the camera with her.  Friends, do this and do it before you're facing a time restriction...take pics of you and your pups together.  They don't need to be professional pics, posed or whatever...use your cell if you want.  Just do it, don't let the time pass then regret not having them.  Yes, these aren't the prettiest, I look like tired hell but I'm happy to look at us together.

So where we stand is the same as yesterday...I'm going to try to entice her to eat tonight, she'll get another Pepcid before bed and we'll see how she is tomorrow.  If she is looking at least the same or better we'll do 2 liters of fluids then I'll continue this through the weekend...then pretty much forever if it works.  Unfortunately Dr. Becky will be gone Fri-Sun so if something happens we'll be headed to the emergency room.  I'm hoping she's going to beat the odds but I'm trying not to get my hopes up because she's having a good couple hours.

Thank you all again for checking in on us and the good wishes.  I'm relieved a bit today, but not TOO relieved if that makes sense.  It's all uphill from here and I'm not going to be delusional and think it's all turned around.  Her age and her numbers definitely show that's not the case.  I'm just hoping for the best for her.

Maryann & Dot-Spot

ETA...She just ate almost 2 oz of some stinky dog's not much but more than she has in days!!


Lacy said...

Well, this is better news...poor baby girls (both of u)...dont forget to try the applesauce...

b safe,
rocky and mama..

Gus said...

Hoping for the best for both of you. I will take your advice and see if I can get some pictures of me with the dogs, I am usually the one operating the camera, so most of our "together" shots are of Rich and the dogs.

We will keep checking in and thinking of you.

Gussie and Teka
and the muzzer

Moondance Huskies said...

Nice to see some good news. You are so right about the pictures. They are a treasure. Time passes so fast.
I had to do sub Q fluids for a cat who was in kidney failure. She would lie there and purr while she got her daily dose.
You are a wonderful dog-mom. Our continued prayers and pawsitive energy are with you.
Skye, the Moondance Huskies, kitties and mom Joan

Jans Funny Farm said...

It's so hard when they're bouncing up and down and you're afraid to be hopeful. But we hope for the best!

Raising Addie said...

Soooo happy to read this!

LOVE the pix of you two together. You are very right about the pix. I know I take tons of pix of the pups but very few have me in them.

Please give a BIG hug to Dot and a BIG hug to you too!

Lots of Luv & Kisses
Addie, Lucie and Hailey

Asta said...

I just got home from work and came to check
I loved seein your two smiling faces! Beautiful
Every day is a gift and today , I know Dot had a happy time. Maryann, you are a wonderful DogMom and I know although it's day to day, this is good news.
Sending more love and prayers and crossed paws.
Thank you for the update
smoochie kisses from ASta love from G and me

nancyturtle said...

Dot will tell you when it's time. Today she said "not yet."

Southbaygirl said...

Sending positive thoughts and hoping for good news!!! Power of the Paw!!!

Velcro, kodak, 3 Perf, blossom, Skye and mom Penny

Duke said...

Hang in there, Dot! We are so praying for the best!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Diane's "Jack the cat" said...

I'm so glad you & Dot had a really nice day together, & may God bless you with many more! She looks soooo happy! It's nice to see you smile, too! Hugs & Prayers & The power of the paw to you! (Glad to hear she harrassed Otis a little too! Shows she still has her spunk!! Love to all the Bratz!!
Diane & Jack Kitteh (Upstate NY)

roughseasinthemed said...

That is such a great post. The pix of Dot are gorgeous and the last one of the two of you is lovely.

And as someone who likes to analyse the detail, thanks for taking the time to share the blood work levels. After Pippa's high levels for erlichiosis, you start to develop an interest in this sort of stuff!

She is still beautiful - paws crossed.


National Canine Cancer Foundation