I did get to spend the day at Mom's office and it was tons of fun. Well, till the afternoon and I couldn't go play in the yard because there was something scary on the fence. I think he could have carried me away. 
Not much else going on really, we're watching Ike to see if we're going to get lots of rain this weekend. The humans have been baking tons of dog treats so that's been good, but they said we're on rations. Whatever that means.
Ooh, that is a scary bird! I'm not sure if he could have carried you away, but it's a good thing I wasn't there!! :)
Oh scary bird. Mom has been watching Ike also. She said since we live on the texas border pretty much we will probably get rain but hopefully not much else. Tell your lazy bones mom to blog more. hahahahaha
Oh my that bird is scawie...he's probably as big as that dragonfly I tried to slay the other day!!!
I've missed you pups...but I know you are still there!!! Stay dry!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
That is a scary bird. Do you think he could carry Teka? In a way he is kind of handsome too, right?
Hope the treats keep on comin
Is that a falcon? You were smart to stay inside. We are hoping that Ike does not bother you.
That think could eat you!! I should come over and eat it's head.
Yikes! We get those around here. Sometimes my sissy tells me they are buzzards who smell old man. Sissies can be mean.
wally t.
Me hates rain! Rain is EVIL!
Hi, Tucker!
Yes, that is a scary bird!
I hope you all will be ok this weekend with Ike! I hope it goes away soon!
Kisses and hugs
Oh my, that's a scawie looking bird with sharp claws & beak! Be careful...
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
Wow that's a scary looking bird thank dog you are fine. A read in another dawg's blog that a chiwahwah was killed by one of those birdies.
Please stay in we love you so to be carried away by a big birdie!
woah! that IS a big bird! And everyone has a gap in blogging now and again.. sometimes meatspace takes over!
wow, that's a very big birdie! His beak looks sharper than my teefies! I'm glad you kept an eye on him at the safty of your house.
oh, I've just given you an award at my blog!
Gee... that's a BIG birdie with a scary looking beak!! Stay safe!
That is one scary looking birdie! We hope your treat rationing ends soon!
Poppy, Penny & Patches
Hey Y'all,
How's everything with youse guys? When is Rulon gonna get his picture on the banner? Tucker, we got the solution for that darn bird problem, it's called Shiloh. She weighs in at about 160 lbs and that bird AIN'T gonna carry her away. When she barks the house kinda shakes a bit and the soundwaves knock birds off of fences. We'll gladly ship down to Texas after Ike passes. Youse guys stay safe and be careful so as not to get hurt. Have lots of batteries and water and stuff like flashlights and candles. Hopefully you won't need any of it. We'll be pulling for ya.
That big bird scares me! I'm sure glad you stayed in the house.That's one bird I think I'd rather not chase.
I hope you will be safe if Ike blows your way. Take care.
Are you guys soaked? I hope Ike mostly stayed away from you, especially certain low-lying dogs who, while well-anchored in case of winds, might find water levels too high for their carriage.
wally t.
I'm glad you're safe. Who knows where that scary bird would take you.
Are all you pups okay? I'm worried about you. Especially Bear.
That is a really big bird! We have some big birds around here and Mom even keeps an eye on them. We hope didn't give you too much rain. We have a fairly nice day today But we hear Houston got some more rain after Ike left town. Like they really needed that!
Roxie, Sammy & Andy
Wow......look at that hawk! I would've been mesmerized for sure!
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