You aren't gonna believe it, but Mom brought me home a big toy!!!
Oh geez, now Mom says I have to write the important stuff about him so maybe someone will see him and fall in love and take him home to live forever but bring him back here to play with me everyday. He's about 1 year old, maybe a little younger and he looooves fun. He has lots of energy and would like to have a person who would jog or hike with him. He likes to splash through the water too in case you're into that kinda thing.
He's crate trained, seems to be potty trained (that means he hasn't had any accidents here yet), does pretty good on a leash and even listens when you tell him something. He can sit (when he's not too excited) when you ask him and takes treats nicely. He likes toys with treats inside that he has to figure out. (too much work if you ask me) Mom thinks he would love agility class and would surely be the smartest dog in training classes. (that's cuz I'm not in them you know) Besides that he likes to ride in the car (that means he doesn't yak), his favorite treat are those cheesy goldfish crackers and he hasn't eaten anything he wasn't supposed to or torn anything up. (hopefully we can teach him soon, though) Mom slept with him for a couple hours this morning and confirmed that he's a good bed warmer too. He stole Sam's Wallymelon for his Glamour Shots below, she was none too happy about it.
Awww... he sounds like such a fun guy. Hope he finds a good home soon.
Love and Lots of licks,
Willow and Stella
You did a good job telling everyone about Rulon's good character. Hope he finds a forever home. Those are great photos. He's lovable looking.
Levi's mom
I love Sam's colour commentary during the play match. I sure hope Rulon gets a great home. He is adorable.
Oh my goodness, I love Rulon!! I wish he could come join our pack!
Lindsay & Dannan
Well, you really seem to like Rulon, don't ya? As I had said before, he is a cute pup, but he looks even handsomer in these pictures!
That video of you two playing together was grrrrEAT! I laughed at how Sam kept on barking at you two!
I hope Rulon finds a wonderful home soon, he seems to be a very nice, well behaved pup!
I'm totally crying here looking at how happy he is especially after seeing his prison picture. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for rescuing this beautiful boy! Love the video and Sam's play by play commentary :)
Rulon's sooo sweet in those pictures! Dot, you look pretty ferocious in those pictures but actually you;'re quite gentle.
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
What a cutie he is! We hope he finds his forever home soon!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
He sounds like a great pup. Way too much energy for my house though. Mom says we're at our max with just me. I have no idea what that means. Was Smanatha telling him what she thought of him stealing her wallymelon during your play session or was she reffing?
sam doing a good job there as the referee! we hope you find a good home soon Rulon!
uhhh... where's Tucker & Bear?!?!
Hi Dot, you really like to play! Rulon is a beautiful color and looks so sweet. I hope he finds a forever home soon.
love & wags,
I don't know, Dot. You look pretty vicious in those pictures!
He's cute. I think I would like him for a little brother. Maybe I can just trade Flash.
Oh my dog he is so awesome! Do you think he is a bully mix? I think his coat is really cool. By the way--this is totally like my sissy and Oscar. Ethel is a total b word with other dogs and then she meets Oscar and is totally all bitey-face wrestle with him. And I totally do what Sam does--stand around watching and occasionally trying to interrupt! (I'm a little less noisy, but then I don't have that beautiful voice).
wally t.
You guys seem to be having the grandest time. What is up with Sam. She seems to be very opinionated. Hopefully someone comes and gets him soon.
What a great game of bitey face. I sure hope someone sees him and gives him a wonderful forever home.
Great bitey-face with th the new guy. Rulon has a beutiful coat but not better than yours, just different beautiful. Samantha has a big voice for such a short dog; we bet she's a good singer. We loved her documentary mnarrative of the match, she should get a job with ESPN doing Monday night Bitey-Face. GODSPEED on finding a new home for Rolun but we know that now he'll be safe from the dreaded green needle. We love The Brat Pack.
- Homer J. - Jubal - JEB - Shelby -Jack - Abby - Max - Shiloh - Alex - Boru - Jenny = The Bumpass Hounds (TBH)
He's adorable! Good luck finding him a furever home!
TTFN, Meadow
Oh he is so cute! Dot I sure wish you could keep him, but if you did, that's less treats for ya, you know that right?
I sure hope he finds a good home, he seems like a winnter to me!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
he is very cute, and your momma is very nice for giving him a place to stay.
He sure is a pretty pup!
Hope he find a furever home soon.
Your Mom is so nice to help him.
~ The Bunch
WOW. He looks like a lot of fun. I'm gonna try to get my Momma to get me a puppy to guard.
WE just noticed that if you look at Rulon's prison picture in Bear's "disgruntled" posting and then look at Rulon's glamour picture at the bottom of this posting just above it, you can see the big difference that make's it all worthwhile to have saved Rulon. Those two picture speak two thousand words. Y'all done good.
Oh my dog! He is so handsome!!! We are sorry we are so far behind and just learning of your new living partner!
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