Monday, August 11, 2008


Mom came out of the bedroom this morning and look who was caught red-pawed!?!? She was digging in the grocery bag then got herself caught and couldn't escape!
Don't look at the hairy rug, our cleaning service (Mom) sucks. Guess what?! We got a Walter aka Oliver update in the mail and a picture too! Our assistant is typing it in and will scan the pic tomorrow too.
Innocent & Angelic Brother of the bad dog named Sam,


Lacy said...

w00f's Brats, hmmm looks like Sam wuz kinda a little bit set up to me...

b safe,

Ruby Bleu said...

Oh poor Sam...I'm sure she was just trying to borrow the bags to go and do her own shopping!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Unknown said...

hahaha! Busted is right... that's hysterical!

Gus said...

Sam is being ecologoically sound by helping your mom use cloth bags for groceries. Sam was just going to put them in the back of the car so they will be ready the next shopping day.


Lizzy said...


Oh my, Sam really got herself into a pickle this time, eh? That must have been so embarrassing!


Sophie Brador said...

Yup, that's busted. But cute busted.


Misadventures of Widowhood said...

Maybe you were just trying to get a better look at what that bag says on the side?

Levi's mom

Princess, Tank and Isaac: The Newfs of Hazard said...

Wasn't there a shoe called a Buster Brown with the same kind of dog as the busted brown Sam? On thother hand, the bag does say, "Chew".

Anonymous said...

Samantha should get a lawyer named Sue and give your Mom a suit for leaving the grocery bag to trap such a poor, innocent and obviously "framed" beautiful lady as herself in the kitchen. We know that she was only going for a drink of water when some felonious villians sprung the grocery bag trap on her. We demand an apple be filed to challenge this in dike mint.
- The Bumpass Hounds

One of the pack said...


When in doubt eat the evidence. Nothing like a new chewy bag to shred all over the carpet.

I know Bear probably was the instigator.

Oh no...gotta go. Here comes the human and she is not impressed with my jaws of steel.

Super Spoiled

Steve, Kat, & Wilbur said...

Well, at least Sam got caught so cookies didn't have to be withheld from all furries.


Amber-Mae said...

Poor Sammie...

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Steve, Kat, & Wilbur said...

PS. We gave you an award.

Lady Kaos said...

How is that proof that she was sniffing in the bag? Maybe she was trying to be helpful and put the bag away or maybe she was just walking by and the bag attacked her! Either way, the bag seems very dangerous and should be destroyed!! Poor Sam!

Georgeous said...

You sure she wasn't just putting the shopping away Tucker?
Love the slogan - i do everything open minded....

wally said...

Sam. I call entrapment. If you would like to hire the services of one Wally T. Corgador, Esq., I charge very low fees (one smooch per acquittal). If the dog does not sit you must acquit!)

wally t.

Duke said...

Yikes, Sam! This is a hard one to get yourself out of! If only the bag wasn't wrapped around your neck!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

i said...

Oh what luck to be caught, Sam! I'm sure you'll do better next time ;-)

National Canine Cancer Foundation