We're here with our report about having a miniature Foster Sister. It's weird. Very, very weird. At first we didn't know what to make of her...Bear can put her entire head in his mouth. Uh, he didn't, don't worry.

For such a little dog she has a pretty big attitude. She sits in our chairs.

She reads our magazines. (um, that one is the girls magazine, not ours)

She goes wherever she wants in our backyard.

She tries to be intimidating I think...here she's trying to show us she's bigger than a house.

She even sleeps in the big bed!!!

We've all been getting along which Mom said is good so she doesn't have to beat us. Just kidding, she didn't really say that. Maybe. Either way, we even let her take pictures of us together. It took a while to get us all situated though.

Other than that not too much is going on. We all had to hide in the laundry room tonight because big storms came through here again. It was scary. Oh, and Mom saw Bear looking all happy last night....

So I guess she figured it was a good time to make him look like a TOTAL fool. She put a NIGHTGOWN on us! It had ruffled sleeves and everything. He was so humiliated, he yelled at Sam when she made fun of him.

She put it on me too, but I refused to get up and parade around like she wanted. Personally, I knew I rocked the Unicorn but no way was I showing it off.

We're gonna post tomorrow, we got a letter in the mail from Walter/Oliver's Mom...our secretary is going to type it up so everyone can read it. Oh, and Trooper sent us an update and pictures too. All these dogs have more exciting lives than we do, I think we better complain.
Wow...looks like Millie is fitting in really well! That is so great!!! And I just love her little dress...very stylish. And you boys look stylish too - LOL!!!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
That group photo look pawsome. She seems like a nice doggie. You rock the t-shirt Tucker
~ Girl girl
Hehe that's a cute shirt with the unicorn! Your foster sister has a very pretty dress :-) Nice to know that she seems to fit in right at home with you guys.
She's definately making herself at home eh? :) That was a really sweet picture of all 5 of you!
What a little Diva! Looks like they are all smiling in the pictures with her so she can't be all bad :) I think she is puckering up and blowing the camera a kiss in the magazine picture ;)
Millie is already starting to look like the Queen around there! Does this mean you're all her royal servants?! We're so glad she's fitting in!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Well it would appear that Millie has taken over your house! And she's a fashionista too.
Tucker, you can pull off anything...even unicorns. You still look very manly.
Oh she is a little bitty one isn't she? I bet she & Lilly would get along just fine if you know what I mean....
Tuck man you do totally rock that unicorn. But what was your mom thinking putting that on you. Glad Millie is fitting in.
I don't know what I would think about one of those little dogs either. I bet she doesn't really wrestle. And she wears clothes (even though there isn't a storm). Weird.
Aww, she's so cute! I deal with a miniature sister every day. She may be older and is supposedly the boss, but I'm bigger so if I want to sit or lay where she is, I do.
Why does your Mom dress you up in weird clothes? I have to admit, it is funny sometimes, but a little weird. They aren't even dog clothes! Maybe you should talk her into making your miniature foster sister into a miniature forever sister and maybe she'll spend time dressing her up and she'll totally forget about putting clothes on you guys!
Just a suggestion!
Maryanne, I'm just cracking up. Your first little dog, and you immediatly put her in a dress! heh. My chihuahua boy, Scooter, says to tell you while he may look small to the outside world, inside, he's at least the size of a Mastiff! (He made me promise to tell you that, and that all other little dogs think the same thing! :) She's a cutie, enjoy.
Jamie & Scooter
Your foster sister sure is a girlie girl. Don't let her twist you around her little paws. Cooper
Congratulations on your new foster sister! Just remember that Tank could fit any TWO of your heads in his gigantic maw! :)
Looks like she's the queen of the house! We sometims get forced to wear tees too on a cold rainy day but good thing the tees are not sissyfied like that one you wore, heehee! No offense Tucker.
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
what mom would really like to know is....... who REALLY wears that unicorn ruffly gown? ;)
Just stopping in to see how Millie an the rest of the Brat Pack are doing!!!
Looks like all is copasetic(?) -- quit an accomplishment for such a large and diverse family!!!
Lots of wirey love,
Jake and Just Harry
Your Foster Sister is a lot smaller than all of you! She certainly does look like she has a big attitude. I do like her dress, though!
HA! Bear looks hilarious with the nightgown on him! That's just too funny! (Sorry Bear, I just can't help laughing.) The expression on his face! Ha ha ha...
I hope you're all having a grrrreat weekend full o' fun!
She's a very cute girl! I'm glad you are all getting along!
Ok, your human is out of control with the dress up thing, you should really destroy something in the house to get revenge for that. At the very least, claw a bare leg.
Awwww! Millie looks like she's having a blast with you guys! (and girls:) We LOVE the Unicorn nightie LOL!!! Daisy LETS Jake think he's in charge...even though he's smaller...but that's how she roll ;) Love the look on Tucker's face in the pic in the big bed!!!
I've been threatening to run away to Texas so I can be your foster brother because that looks like the LIFE! (And also I could see Sam in her nightgown).
I can't wait to hear about Walter!
Millie is a cutie and so small compared to you all!
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